About Us
Chairman Profile
"AFI in its endeavour to take osteoporosis and Bone Health to common people is creating various communication programmes and we are hopeful that people will take full advantage of these programmes and ultimately attain our goal of total Bone Health. Our slogan is Bone Health – a Right, Realize it”.
A group of Doctor’s and Socially oriented people were working in the field of arthritis and osteoporosis, later on, a formal – NGO in form of Arthritis Foundation of India Trust (Regd.) came into existence. Its Chairman Dr. Sushil Sharma along with Trustees and advisors pledged to work for this otherwise largely ignored issue. The whole idea of making AFI was to carry out organized social work in the field of osteoporosis and arthritis and place this issue on the National Health Agenda. It is important because there is hardly any family where a member is not suffering from these twin ailments.
AFI is regularly holding awareness and free health checkup camps where Free Bone Mineral Densitometry test and medicine distribution is done. Thousands of people rich and poor have benefited from it. Right now AFI is doing a nationwide campaign through TV commercials on osteoporosis. AFI plans to take up Osteoporosis as a health cum social movement. We shall leave no stone unturned in communicating to people that strong bones last a lifetime and it is everybody’s right to posses them. Indians need to take their bone health seriously to prevent bony – pains, fractures and deformities, especially when the government is making hardly any effort in this direction. The responsibility is totally on non – governmental sector and we want to shoulder it with utmost dedication. For AFI it’s an ongoing effort. We have tried to make people conscious by successfully organizing free BMD camps, literature distribution and education through video presentations. We are also publishing articles on Osteoporosis. Its not only a health obligation, but a social and moral obligation too on our organization as bony pains, deformities in children can lead to disturbed schooling and dejected childhood. In woman it is a perennial source of marital discord, when it comes to nursing the fractured old people in nuclear families it causes family feuds and social tension. We have decided to have creative partnership with diverse organizations to realize our goals as no health campaign is complete without involving members from other social fields.

- To develop osteoporosis as not only a health campaign but a social movement.
- To give a strong message to the society with the help of diverse social organizations that osteoporosis has an extraordinarily strong bearing on individual’s life and hence the society.
- Through children’s Education programme making the children and their families familiar with the word Osteoporosis and its complications, in other words catching them young, and telling them that it is a preventable and treatable disease.
- We want the government to realize that Osteoporosis in women is a great challenge because discrimination against girl child and neglect of woman in society has a strong relationship with the disease.
- Osteoporosis in the National Health Programme as no health programme is complete without its inclusion.
- To make Osteoporosis a household name.
- To spread awareness of Arthritis – Osteoarthritis, Rhematoid, Gouty & TB arthritis and other types. So that people can save their joints from ultimate damage.
- To update medical fraternity about osteoporosis / fractures, arthritis & other musculo skeletal diseases.
- To minimize the economic burden because of mandays lost and treatment expenditure due to musculo skeletal ailments.
- To lobby with Govt. and media for their enhanced & proactive role in Bone & Joint decade. So that people can get relief.
- Foundations biggest achievements in year 2003 was getting recognition by International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) which is partner of WHO in "Bone and Joint Decade". AFI also got IOF communication award for the year 2003, for creating the best awareness campaign on Osteoporosis at Turkey Worldwide Conference along with Germany and Brazilian Osteoporotic Societies., but the challenge is big and lot more needs to be done. Our aim is to sensitize the whole country about Osteoporosis, so that they take necessary precautions and treatment.
- The Delhi Medical Association – The all-important body representing the medical fraternity of Delhi has a membership of more than 7000 doctors. It is a Delhi State branch of Indian Medical Association (IMA).
- The Press Club of India – The apex national body of journalist from print and visual media situated in the capital.
- Gwalior Children Hospital & Education Charitable Trust – We are already working with them in Gwalior division (a very backward area about 300 kms from Delhi). In association with them we plan to carry out children education programme.
- Bapu Nature Cure & Yoga Institute – Unique institutions for naturotherapy and Yoga practices recognized by Government of India.
- National School of Drama – Training institute for acting and direction producing galaxy of celebrity film stars, theater actors & performers run by the Government of India.
- McCann – They have developed the TV Advertisement and arranged for its broadcast.
- Weber Shandwick - The Corporate voice.
- Delhi District Cricket Association – Cricket being the most popular game in India, DDCA is the main instrument for organizing all national & international cricketing events. Many famous celebrity players are a part of it.
- Mahila Dakshita Samiti – A woman NGO with long track record of struggle for women's rights, headed by Smt Suman Krishan Kant (wife of former Late Vice President of India).
- Indian Orthopaedic Association.
AFI is extremely thankful to our benevolent sponsors who have always stood for the noble cause.